A small introduction

Lorena Lujan
2 min readSep 13, 2020

Who am I?

Hello everyone! My name is Lorena Lujan. I am a 3rd-ish Sociology major and an international student. I work at City Cinema (downtown Charlottetown), and this term, I will also be a TA for Dr. Judy-Lynn Richards, which I am very excited about.

I was born and raised in Monterrey, Mexico, and moved to Canada in 2015. While living in Mexico I was involved in different human-rights protests throughout the years, and I think my past experiences led me to seek a bachelor’s degree in an area like Sociology. I have always been interested in the social pursue of human and civil rights but I am also deeply invested in understanding the reasons behind oppression and discrimination.

8M March. Monterrey, Mexico 2019

This curiosity is what led me to register in this class. I want to be a better translator of ideas. I want to be able to write down my questions in a way anyone can understand and can try to answer. I think this is a fundamental part of sociological studies.

My main take-away from Learning to Learn Online was chapter 4 “Staying Motivated”. To work on this I am making sure to organize all assignments on my calendar in a way that it does not overwhelm me but still allows me to get everything done in a timely manner. I like that the book was made in collaboration between faculty and students. It is important to produce more collaborative work like this one.

On a lighter note, I became a first-time gardener this summer and LOVED IT and will do it for the rest of my life. I live with my fiance and our small puppy (his name is Paddy)

Paddy boi

See you all tomorrow on google hangout!

Lorena Lujan



Lorena Lujan

I was born in Monterrey, Mexico. I am now living in PEI and studying a major in Sociology at UPEI. I enjoy curious conversations, art and being outdoors.